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Artist - DevilDriver
Album - Beast [Special Edition]
Year - 2011
Genre - Groove Metal / Melodic Death Metal
Country - Santa Barbara, California, USA
Release Name - DevilDriver_-_Beast-Special_Edition-2011-FKK

1. Dead to Rights
2. Bring the Fight (to the Floor)
3. Hardened
4. Shitlist
5. Talons Out (Teeth Sharpened)
6. You Make Me Sick
7. Coldblooded
8. Blur
9. The Blame Game
10. Black Soul Choir
11. Crowns of Creation
12. Lend Myself to the Night
13. Lost (Bonus Track)
14. Fortune Favors the Brave (Bonus Track)
15. Grinfucked (Live) (Bonus Track)

Part 1
Part 2